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REPLAY Learn How to Speak Dog Webinar

Communication is THE key to living in harmony with our dogs, and this can be tough, since dogs and humans don’t speak each other’s language. We rely primarily on our words to communicate.

Dogs on the other hand, will never understand Chinese, German, Spanish, English... or any other human language. Because of that fact, it’s our job to understand their language so we can be the leaders our dogs crave and need. 

When training your dog, you want to establish the best possible relationship you can with them and need to know WHY relationship is the foundation for 100% obedience.

Steve Lankfer grew to realize that every dog has an instinctual drive to follow, interact with, and protect the one they look up-to for leadership. He began to understand that “man’s best friend” isn’t looking for a friend at all, but for a leader. It was then that Steve found his unique, teachable approach to communicating with dogs on their level developing "SpeakDog!" and the "Seven Sacred Ways" to help others Love & Lead their dogs. Ever since, he’s been helping people become aware that there is a 'Natural' way for us to establish genuine Relationship with our dogs and have the foundation for 100% OBEDIENCE 100% of-the-time.

Join us while Steve shares life-changing methods on how to become more fluent in "dog".


  • The importance of Tone/Timing/Consistency

  • The “Seven Sacred Ways” to Love & Lead our dogs and place ourselves neurologically (chemically) as our dogs “Canine” leader

  • The Natural way to train our dogs using Relationship, not man-made devices such as clickers, treat, E-collars, etc. 

  • Why no training time needs to be “scheduled” for foundational Relationship building 

This will be interactive, so you'll have a chance to ask Steve any and all questions.


Remember, dogs love to learn!  Steve can show you how to connect with your dog in a way that taps into their innate behavior, and uses it to build a happier, healthier relationship built on trust and obedience.

Won't you join us?


You’ll be amazed at the response you’ll get from your dog and the satisfaction you’ll feel when you realize you’ve become not just your dog’s “best friend” but the leader your dog desperately needs.