Posts tagged dimentia
New Tricks for Old Dogs: Cannabis For the Golden Years

Roughly 50% of pet owners in the U.S. give their dogs CBD, often on the recommendation of a veterinarian. But, what exactly is the endocannabinoid system? And what functions of the body does it regulate? Can every dog benefit from the use of cannabis and how can it specifically benefit our older dogs. Listen in as Sandi Krucik-vanBommel, Veterinary Cannabis Counselor shares some great insight on whether CBD can help your senior dog and what to look out for when choosing a brand. Great info!

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Your Dog is not a Robot… They are a Living Sentient Being

Did you know that our dog’s behavior is affected by health and wellness? Ana Melara chats with me about about how our dogs are sentient, i.e. they have the same capacity as us to feel joy and happiness, as well as negative emotions like fear, pain and sadness. So, how does health and wellness play into our dog’s behavior? How can a change in behavior signal a possible medical condition? How can food and nutrition help our dogs’ mood and effectively their behavior? Learn all of this and more by tuning in!

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